Hosting your own pop up wedding does in no way change the beauty and sincerity of your ceremony – just the price! In fact you’d be surprised how much more special it is when you are not involved in a single aspect of the logistical headaches that planning an outdoor wedding involves.

The fabulous Robyn Pattison at work in Chowder Bay. Image I Love Wednesdays.
Getting the celebrant right at a ceremony is just as important as nailing the food and wine at your reception. People will talk about it, people will remember. After all, it is the single reason why you have gathered your friends and family. Finding a celebrant who looks just as fabulous as the ceremony they deliver is crucial. And you’d be surprised just how difficult this can be. Introducing the lovely Robyn Pattison or the Wedding Pixie as she’s affectionately known.

Introducing The Wedding Pixie. Image Yulia Photography.
Robyn has been in the business creeping up to almost a decade. And if you still have people raving about you after that amount of time in the business, that’s pretty awesome in our book. If you ask her, she’ll tell you how much she not only loves her job, but how she loves to say NO to all the boring bits of a ceremony even more. Robyn’s ceremonies are delivered with passion, dedication and more importantly personalisation. Robyn believes that your ceremony should be the very best part of your day and something that can bring people together in laughter and even tears (happy ones of course).

There’s always time for a laugh when Robyn’s around. Image Jack Chauvel.

It sounds silly, but a great celebrant knows when to stand to the side of the couple to make a great shot for the photographer. Image Matthew Mead.
Robyn is one of our featured celebrants to work with us on Pop Up Weddings, we are lucky to have her onboard and we look forward to introducing you to her magic. If you’re interested in hosting a Pop Up Wedding, you can find some more information here, or take a look at our FAQs.